[1] At the Symbol Area. In the backgarund some of the 500 photographic views of anonymous persons from all over the world. [2] Japanese schoolboys in their school uniforms in front of water fontains. [3] Break at the Symbol Area. The Sun symbol in the background. [4] Perhaps not visitors but staff of a delegation of a country. [5] Standing in the Monorail, which had no driver and surrounded the exhibition area in one direction.
The photographic views which where used here are taken from a privat photographic album. The visitors, probable americans, were on a tour through Japan organised by a travel agency, which offered a vist to the world exposition in Osaka for the eighth day of the tour with the domicile in Kyoto.
This visit took place at the 7. April 1970.

Admission ticket for the Expo 70
"At the 15. March in 1968, two years before the opening, in a 'pillar set up ceremony' the first two pillars of the first building, the administration center, were rammed in, the expo comittee speculated on thirty million visitors.
Several foreign observers in Japan thought of this estimate as 'truely bold'. Als dann zwei Jahre später Kaiser Hirohito seinen Zwanzig-Worte-Glückwunsch für das Gelingen vorbrachte, war die Kalkulation auf fünfzig Millionen gestiegen. Jetzt hielten sogar die meisten ausländischen Beobachter die Schätzung für 'reichlich optimistisch'. Doch als 183 Tage später, am 13. September 1970, das Thronfolgerpaar der Schlusszeremonie präsidierte hatten fünfundsechzig Millionen die Pforten der Ausstellung durchschritten. Genau gezählt: 64 218 770."
Horst Eliseit, S.61 , "Japan - eine Herausforderung", Safari-Verlag, Berlin, 2.Auflage 1971